VMware ESXi安装ipmitool

wget  dl.kvm.la/tools/esxi_ipmitool-1.8.15-1.vib -O  /var/log/vmware/ipmitool-1.8.15-1.vib
esxcli software acceptance set --level=CommunitySupported
esxcli software vib install -v ipmitool-1.8.15-1.vib
/opt/ipmitool/bin/ipmitool mc reset cold

VMware ESXi安装ipmitool

2 条用户评论。
  1. 评论 发表时间:Thursday 23rd/02/2023 03:10:23 PM 1楼

    In ImageProfile (Updated) ESXi-8.0a-20842819-standard-ESIR, the payload(s) in VIB IPMItool_bootbank_ipmitool_1.8.15-1 does not have sha-256 gunzip checksum. This will prevent VIB security verification and secure boot from functioning properly. Please remove this VIB or please check with your vendor for a replacement of this VIB
    Please refer to the log file for more details.

    1. 评论 发表时间:Wednesday 01st/03/2023 09:21:37 PM

      看下esxcli有没选项跳过sha256检测直接安装, 或者看下这个上面发的最新的版本https://vswitchzero.com/ipmitool-vib/

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