yum install snmp -y
sysLocation Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
sysContact Me <[email protected]>
sysServices 72
master agentx
view systemview included .
view systemview included .
view systemview included .
view systemview included .
view systemonly included .
view systemonly included .
view systemview included .
rocommunity public1611 default
rocommunity6 public1611 default -V systemonly
createUser snmpname SHA "123pwd" AES "123pwd"
rouser snmpname
usmSecurityLevel authPriv
usmUser snmpname - SHA "123pwd" AES "123pwd"
com2sec readonly default public1611
group MyROGroup v2c readonly
view all included .1 80
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
rocommunity public1611
agentaddress udp: